wow thanks alot platinumx

wow i just came to this site after a few days to realize platinumx cant approve a comment wow im impressed, i dunno what your gonna do without me while im gone for my exams……, just somebody teach him how to manage a site plz….

3 Responses

  1. Uh ok…
    Maybe you should post this. It might get your army to have some activities.


    The United Troopers vs The Club Penguin Rangers.

    Winner fights the Metal United Army.

    Winner fights the Red Raiders.

    (Every Saturday).

    Winner recieves medal. The army with the most medals would be considered as the Starplayer in the CPUN Activities until another army gets more medals.

    Yes, the CPUN may be getting out of hand because it’s focusing on the politics but we it does take time. It took time to think of Practice Wars as well. It’s all worth it in the end though. Please keep your patience. Oh yeah, Jedi, do you have a list of all those who have a position in the CPUN? We need to fill out those blank ones.

    Ok, we need to organize the representatives. GA Reps are those who come to the GAs. The leader doesn’t always have to be the one to come. My advice is to let someone in your army/nation become the Rep so that more people will get involved in CPUN issues rather than the leaders doing everything. We’ll be having a GA after the Practice War this SATURDAY. If few attend, we’ll postpone it to SUNDAY. This will also be at 7AM onwards.

    I’ll be notifying the people in our blog. We need the Sleet Empire to get involved as well.

    Anything else? Oh yes, wars. I apologize again for not attending to wars much. Now that we have started GAs again, we shall be able to talk freely to one another. Ex “Hey dude we have war with ____ can you please help us?”. This way you’ll have an immediate reply (if anyone is in the chatbox unless your talking to yourself. GAs will be held in the Summit Rooms. We’ll be able to discuss about wars.

    SECURITY COUNCIL. Here’s another one. The security council has SC reps. They keep everything secure. If you do have SC reps for your army/nation, bring them to the GAs to support you.

    This week’s GA, we’ll be talking about the current affairs with the major armies. There might be people in the CPUN invloved such as Jedi (ACP) and Itachi (UMA). We need to clean this. Jedi has asked us to clean ACP so we’ll help. Itachi, is the UMA involved? What is the cause of this war?

    Well that’s ALL. Please comment for more questions.

    Thanks for stopping by the CPUN Linkin55. No More Sorrow.

    Thanks in advance for that list Jedi.

  2. Best wishes MUA!


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